Viber messaging apps whatsapp android
Viber messaging apps whatsapp android

One of the interesting features of Telegram is its 'Secret Chat' mode which is encrypted with its MTProto protocol. The instant messaging software can be used on both mobile platforms and desktops. It's a freeware service that offers video calling, VoIP, file sharing among other features. Telegram, which was initially launched for iOS and Android in late 2013 by two Russian brothers - Pavel Durov and Nikolai Durov, has impressively increased its reach in the last few months. This cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging service is the closest match to WhatsApp. Which leads us to the big question: Are there any good alternatives to WhatsApp? Well, there are several, and we’ve compiled a list of messaging services that come packed with interesting features. On Thursday, the Tesla CEO and world’s richest man, Elon Musk in a tweet rooted for 'Signal', a messaging app.ĭespite WhatsApp issuing a fresh clarification on Tuesday regarding it's changed policies, the debate on privacy continues to hover over it. These companies warned their staff against making crucial business calls on the messaging platform. Several multinational companies also started advising their employees to avoid disclosing or sharing sensitive company-related data or information on WhatsApp. This notification, which users across India started receiving early last week, threw people, tech experts, and cybersecurity advocates into a frenzy. Last week, the instant messaging giant had launched a new privacy policy stating that it will be sharing user data with parent company Facebook, and those who do not accept the updated terms by February 8, will no longer have the access to their chats. WhatsApp's new update to its privacy policy and terms of service hasn't gone down well with users, several of whom are now looking for better alternatives to switch to.

Viber messaging apps whatsapp android